January 1, 2011

The View - Dec 31 2011


There are a few reasons why I love this photo...

1) for the first time I have a camera that captures the true lighting and therefore mood of a room without washing out the moment.
2) I love the view from my sisters living room...I long to have that many windows in one room someday...oh the natural light!
3) good friends enjoying a moment in time...Happy New Year!

Now...from a photography standpoint, how could I have captured this moment better? Would you have shot in auto? Changed the ISO's? Decreased the f-stop?

Feedback is greatly appreciated!


  1. Those window are fabulous! I can just imagine the beautiful natural light...a photographers dream :O) I think I would have increased the ISO a little. It's hard to tell without seeing your settings though :O) Thanks for linking up with us!! I look forward to following your journey this year :O)

  2. Cool shot! I love how you can see the lights outside the window!
