January 3, 2011

Fruity Frozen Goodness - January 3 2011


Declan wants to do everything his older brother does these days...so when he saw Lochlain eating a homemade Popsicle, he wanted one too! I wasn't sure just how big of a messy disaster it would be but I went with it. He struggled with holding it, fine motor skills are needed to hold onto that little stick after-all, but he figured it out and ate the entire thing!

I love the look on his face...he's also going through a phase where he makes it known to all in the room if there is food on his hands...and this picture captured his dis-approval of that said food.


  1. Gotta love those red ice pops! I remember those days well.

    The expression on his face is priceless.

  2. His face cracks me up!! I love it!

  3. LOL, I still don't like my hands dirty.

    Happy Friday!
